Make a Zoning-Related Complaint

Process for Making a Zoning Violation Complaint

Individuals who believe a Tolland or Massachusetts Zoning Bylaw provision has been violated should:

  1. Write up your complaint: Summarize your issue, concern or complaint in writing and include at least the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Contact Information including address, telephone and email (if any)
    3. Nature and description of the complaint (e.g. unauthorized building, building too close to property lines, etc.)
    4. Location of alleged violation
  2. Send copies to the appropriate officials below: Send one copy of the complaint to each of the following at Town Hall. (Please keep a copy of your complaint.)
    • Board Chair - Planning
    • Board of Selectmen
    • Zoning Enforcement Officer

Town of Tolland
241 West Granville Road
Tolland, MA 01034-9403