Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 15, 2018


Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland

MINUTES OF SELECTMEN MEETING –  October 15, 2018 5:00 PM

Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, Jr., Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett                                                                 

Also Present:      Jessica Kelmelis, Board of Assessors

                            Ed Deming

                            Mira Munson

                            Pat Storey

                            Matthew Crocker, President Crocker Communications

                            Bill Stathis, Director of Sales Croker Communications

Classification Hearing: The Board unanimously approved one tax rate amongst the four property classes for FY2019.

Steve moved to appoint all listed, seconded by Eric. The motion carried unanimously

Pat Storey – Council on Aging has been awarded an additional grant of $5,000 to be used before June 30th. COA would like to use it along with $1,000.00 towards the purchase and installation of an air conditioning unit for the Community Room located at the Public Safety Complex. COA approached the Tolland Fire Department (501C3) to help fund the project. The Fire Department voted to contribute $3,000.00. A quote from State Line was received in the amount of $9,989.00 with electrical being approximately $500. Pat is looking for direction from the board on how to proceed with project. Ed Deming will give West Side Oil’s contact information to Pat so that Pat can request a quote. Short fall of the project will be expended from Buildings and Grounds.

Crocker Communications gave the board an update on broadband:  There are 2 options

Option 1 USDA:

Requires Crocker to use USDA bid process and contracts. Crocker can submit requests to proceed once the application process is started. 4-6 weeks is the likely earliest time frame for such request.

Requires a “Tier 1 Lien” on the network until the loan is paid off. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for Tolland to have a buy-out option from Crocker.

If Tolland approves the pursuit of USDA funding by Crocker, it will need to agree to the above.

USDA funding will likely cover drops from the street, reducing the need for subscriber installation payments.

If USDA funding is awarded to Crocker, a 100% design and minimum 96% build will be completed. If USDA funding is not awarded, Crocker and the town can revert to Option 2.

Crocker will own and operate the network.

Option 2 NON-USDA

If Tolland requires an ownership path, Crocker will not pursue USDA funding

Crocker can start data collection as soon as !) MBI approves and authorizes milestone payments, or 2) the town funds start up from its own resources, to be reimbursed from MBI funding.

Crocker will prioritize CAF II census block locations in its initial design and build. Subscriber installation fees will be required.

Crocker will work with the town to craft a mutually agreeable approach that grants the town a buy-out option for town ownership of the assets built with Crocker and MBI funding.

The town, at its own discretion and with an appropriate procurement process, can fund the remaining build to at least 96% coverage, and if desired, cover subscriber installation fees.

Crocker agrees to an initial 10 year term to provide network operations and internet and telephone service. Extension terms beyond 10 years may also be negotiated.

Broadband shortfall of +/- $500,000

Board will meet with Kevin Donovan next week to discuss further.

Ed informed the board that the new employee obtained his CDL.

A culvert replacement for Jeff Miller Road has been scheduled for October 24th and Schoolhouse Road and Hartland Road are scheduled to be reclaimed on October 29th.

Ed requested authorization for Tolland Officers being able to use their Personal vehicle if equipped with blue lights to satisfy a cruiser requirement for detail. When invoiced the cruiser fee ($20/hr) will be issued to the officer. Ed reviewed procedure with legal counsel for his opinion. Board requested a letter of liability from the officers stating that they accept all liability.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan