Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 30, 2018

Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland


Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, Jr., Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett                                                                

Also Present:      Wayne and Joanne Simeone

                           Ed Deming

                           Kevin Donovan

                           Wes Greene

                           Pat Storey

Wayne Simeone voiced his concerns with the type of materials being used on Hartland Road. He feels that the material being used is generating a large amount of dust. He also would like the speed limit reduced to help control the dust. The dust issue will be looked into further. Ed, Police Chief will monitor the traffic speed on Hartland Road 

Wes Greene stated that he was not responsible for writing the letter of concerns relating to Ed Deming.

Wes questioned why monies were spent on skim coating sections of Colebrook River Road. It had been brought to the attention of the Selectboard last year that sections of Colebrook River Road were unsafe and that the road needed attention. Ed spoke with other Superintendents for suggestions and with the monies available skim coating the bad section was the best short term fix. A MASSWORKS grant is being applied for to rehab all of Colebrook River Road. 

Lastly, Wes had concerns with the potholes on road where reclaimed chips were used. Ed will work on fixing the pot holes. Wes suggested reclaiming.

Pat Storey presented the Board of Selectmen for signature a copy of the 2018 MASSWORKS grant application. The grant application was written to fund the rehabilitation of Colebrook River Road.

Board appointed Brenda Richter to assist the Town Clerk.

Kevin Donovan updated the board on moving forward with Crocker.

Stephen Messenger’s termination of employment date is week ending August 25th.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan