Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 16, 2018


Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland



Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, Jr., Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett                                                                  


Also Present:      Stephen Messenger

                           Ed Deming

                           Kevin Donovan

Received from MIIA “Insurer’s Notification of Denial” regarding weekly Workers Compensation benefits for employee Stephen Messenger.

Ed Deming, Jessica Kelmelis and Margaret McClellan have offered to transfer one week of their sick time hours earned to Stephen Messenger.

Kevin Donovan discussed with the board of having North Tolland’s broadband service be covered through the Town of Otis. This option would eliminate telephone poles being installed down Schoolhouse Road. If moving forward with the Town of Otis, Tolland would have to continue to have a MLP. The Broadband Committee recommended to the Board of Selectmen to keep North Tolland in the Crocker build so the network has the chance of being more sustainable. Steve moved to authorize the Broadband Committee to include North Tolland in the Crocker build, seconded by Pat. The motion carried unanimously

Jeff LaCasse of Colebrook River Road was asking for details on the replacement of the culvert located on Colebrook River Road. Jeff was given Foresight Land Services contact information.

Received an unsigned letter of concerns in regards to Ed Deming, the letter was taken under advisement.

Received a letter from WPOA in regards to a WPOA resident having a possible zoning violation. The letter was given to Eric to address as Zoning Enforcement.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan