Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 14, 2020

Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland

MINUTES OF SELECTMEN MEETING –   September 14, 2020 5:00 PM

Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, JR, Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett

Also Present:   Pat Storey, Ted Locke, Mira Munson, Cathy Parzych, Frank Fazi

                         Lester Walker, Ed Deming

Classification Hearing: The Board unanimously approved one tax rate amongst the four property classes for FY2021.

Lester Walker wanted to inform the board, if they hadn’t heard that Ed Deming was the first to respond to a fire within the Tunxis Club property. Lester felt with Ed’s quick response he prevented further issues.

Frank Fazi speaking for the WPOA board. Frank was directed to contact the state in regards to Valerie Bird, Board of Health Agent closing the use of the WPOA beaches. The state recommended that Frank speak with the Board of Selectmen to determine a way to open the beaches. Frank stated that there was a small group on the beach in which the group was approached by a WPOA board member. The group chose not to follow the rules therefore leading to a complaint to Valerie. Valerie closed the beaches to prevent social gatherings; the water still could be access via the “right of ways”.

Pat Storey asked for an update on the Finance Committees recommendations for Tolland’s Capital Planning Process. Steve stated that the board has not met since the processes were presented and that they would discuss them at their next meeting on September 28th.

Jeff LaCasse will be requested to attend the Selectboards meeting on September 28th to discuss the compensation for the Emergency Management Director. Currently there is no compensation budgeted for. There are monies through the Cares Act Grant for COVID19 compensation hours.

Ed would like to apply for monies to add additional patrolling hours. The Cares Act grant and/or FEMA grant would have to looked into to verify if that is a possibility.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan