Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 24, 2020

Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland

MINUTES OF SELECTMEN MEETING –   August 24, 2020 5:00 PM

Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, JR, Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett

Also Present:   Pat Storey

                        Ted Locke

                         Mira Munson

                         Joanne Duval, Animal Inspector

Pat Storey presented the board with recommendations made by the Finance Committee for Tolland’s Capital Planning Process. Those recommendations include the following:

Annual Budget Bylaw

Budget Calendar

Capital Improvement Program Bylaw

Capital Planning Policy

Capital Improvements Plan

Capital Project Request

Financial Reserves

Debt Affordability Analysis

Debt Management

The board will review the documents and discuss at their next meeting.

Pat Storey requested signatures on Green Communities paperwork. The contract from the state was in the amount of $126,860 which included six green energy projects.

A – Green community improvements to fix the controls in the PSC and install the air sourced heat pumps in the Town Hall and Library. Cost $89,541

B- Town Hall lighting – to convert town hall lighting to LED from florescent and incandescent. Cost $9,952; of which $7,232 will be covered by the grant and $2,720 by an incentive from Eversource.

C- PSC lighting – to convert the PSC lighting to LED from florescent and incandescent. Cost $35,130; of which $26,970 will be covered by the grant and $8,160 by an incentive from Eversource.

Total $123,743 of the grant monies. The balance will be used to install idle reduction systems in the police cruiser and DPW’s pick up and Ford 550.

Steve made motion to accept all Green Community grant items, Patrick seconded, vote moved unanimously.

A discussion was had in regards to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting schedule. Steven made a motion to meet every other week until the start of budget season January 1 in which the meetings will be held every week until the Annual Town Meeting. An emergency meeting can always be scheduled.  Seconded by Patrick, abstained by Eric.

Joanne Duval, Animal Inspector informed the board that she has received a complaint. The complaint is in regards to a riding stable business in the name of Taylor Brook Farm on Covell Road. The individual is advertising lessons for a fee. Joanne is waiting for confirmation from the state on the verification of their licenses.

Joanne visited the property and could see 3 of the 5 horses. Hay and water was available to the horses and the condition of the horses looked okay. Joanne also stated that she spoke with the property owner and asked if she had a stable license, instructor’s license and insurance. The response was that she hadn’t heard back from the state and that she does have insurance.

Planning Board Chairman Jim Deming via phone verified that no business license has been granted. Jim did state that the property owner did meet with the board and was given a site plan approval for the location of a barn. At the same time she was given instructions on what she needed to do to receive a business license and a building permit. Eric stated that no building permit was issued. Also, currently a business plan must include a COVID19 plan.

Jim stated that he had spoken with the owner today, August 24th and explained again what was required. Legal counsel will be contacted to draft a letter informing her to stop.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan