Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 7, 2019

Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland


Selectmen Present:   Eric R. Munson, Jr., Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett                                                                                                                                      

Also Present:     Pat Storey

                          Ed Deming                       

Board of Selectmen approved the request to add a community page to the Tolland’s website.

On behalf of the Selectboard Pat Storey requested of the Commonwealth that the town be allowed to use the unexpended funds of the MASSWORKS grant to cover anticipated over runs in the small bridge grant in which the town has received to rebuild a bridge on the same road that the MASS Works grant was awarded for.

Update on the engineering of the small bridge located on Colebrook River Road. Foresight has received the last engineering approval from the Commonwealth. The project will have to go out for a rebid. Foresight will be responsible for the bid process.

Ed informed that Selectboard that Northern Tree will be in town working on tree removal for Eversource through the year end. Ed also requested authorization to increase the hourly detail rate from $45/hr to $50/hr. He stated that Tolland’s surrounding towns such as Otis, Granville and Southwick are at the rate of $50/hr. The rate is being paid by the contractor not the Town of Tolland. Patrick motion to increase the rate, seconded by Steve and voted unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan