Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 23, 2019

Board of Selectmen

Town of Tolland

MINUTES OF SELECTMEN MEETING –  September 23, 2019 5:00 PM

Selectmen Present:    Eric R. Munson, Jr., Steven DellaGiustina and Patrick Barrett                                                                                                                                      

Also Present:     Wes Greene

                          Mira Munson

                          Pat Storey

                          Ed Deming

                          Eric Munson, III                       

Pat Storey spoke about the “Greens Community” grant. Tolland would need to adopt a “fleet management program” and be able to reduce its energy costs by 20% to participate in the program. Pat stated that The Town of Tolland is already pretty green and may not be able to reduce by 20%. Pat will be contacting Brad Avery to ask if why since Tolland is already “pretty green” and willing to take any and all steps to be green why we wouldn’t qualify.

DPW replacing culverts on Colebrook River Road contributed to the approximate balance of $350,000 in the MASSWORKS grant. Pat will contact the state to verify if the monies can be used towards the small bridge project on Colebrook River.

Wes Greene expressed concerns with the timing and process for which chemicals will be being applied around cranberry pond. Wes thought that the association members were told the chemicals would be applied after “drawdown” and were being injected not sprayed. Selectboard stated that it was an issue for Conservation. Valerie Bird, Conservation Commission was contacted and informed the board that an “Order of Conditions” spelled out the process and was approved. A hearing had been held with a 10 day appeal period. There were no appeals. The process was to start after Labor Day and that it was in fact an injection process.

Eric Munson, Fire Chief informed the board that the bid for the Fire Truck was complete and listed. Bids will be opened on October 28th at 5:15.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan