Skating Rink Update

Skating Rink

The skating rink in Tolland is a success! Several people from both Tolland and Granville have enjoyed it over the past week.

Kevin Donovan has cleared it of the recent snow and it is again ready to enjoy. Just a note: anyone who feels inclined to clear the rink of snow will be most welcomed.

The rink is to be used at the skaters' own risk and masks and distancing are a must.

For bringing this bit of joy to all of us, thanks go to:

Kevin Donovan, Steve DellaGiustina, Mike Sullivan, Greg Kelmelis and the Tolland DPW for designing and building the rink

The Tolland Fire Department for filling the rink and the Tolland Police Department for watering and finishing the ice

The Tolland Recreation Committee for funding the rink and Tonlino & Sons for the donation of sand and delivery of same

Clearly this has been a group effort and maintaining the rink will continue to be. Come enjoy, even in the cold.