A message from the Town Clerk: Annual Street Census

Annual Street Census

The annual street census will be mailed to all full time households by January 8, 2024.

Be sure to list all members of your household including children.

Important:  A member of your household can’t be removed from the street census if they are a registered voter; just changing your party on this form isn’t valid.  A signed letter must be sent to the town clerk stating that the voter has moved from the town of Tolland and wishes to be removed from the registered voter list

Don’t forget to sign and date the bottom of the census form and returning it in the envelope provided.  You can mail this, drop it at the town hall or put in the mail slot in the front door (facing Rt. 57)

If you are new to town since last January’s census and your household doesn’t receive the form or if you normally receive one and haven’t by January 22rd, let me know and I will send out another one. (413) 258-4794 x201 or email me townclerk@tolland-ma.com

If you wish to Register or Preregister to vote, update address or party, update name or Check your registration Information go to the following state webpage.  https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/

 Sue Voudren, Town Clerk