COA Feisty Feast 9/22/2018


SEPT. 22, 2018

The Council on Aging annual multi-generational Feisty Fall Feast is scheduled for 6 PM Saturday September 22 and we are hoping you can join us. We have scheduled it for Saturday to make it more convenient for those who work and in September so the Snow Birds can join us before they fly South. Once again Peter Sullivan and his staff at the Knox Trail Inn will be cooking for us. The planned menu is entrees of Roast Pork and Roast Chicken; medley of roast fall vegetables; Apple Sauce; Cole Slaw; Rolls & Butter; Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream; cider and decaf coffee.

Entertainment will be by Roger Tincknell. He has been performing for families, and seniors in the U.S., Canada and Europe for over 40 years. His strong, expressive vocal styles, show stopping yodeling and masterful instrumental skills bring a warmth and versatility to his performances. Roger’s performance is being funded by the Tolland Cultural Arts Commission.

Mail your reservations (form below) in early so you are sure to get a seat; we can only accommodate 60 people. You may also call in your reservations to 413 258-4794. A $10 dollar donation and a can of food for the food pantry are requested; juniors are $5.

September 22, 2018 Feisty Fall Feast. Cut off and send with your payment to:

Tolland COA
241 West Granville Rd
Tolland, MA 01034


Name______________________ Phone #________________E-mail ___________


Adults _______________ ____       @$10 Donation = ________


Juniors (10 and under)   ______       @$5 Donation = _______