Absentee Ballot for Town Election 5/21/2024

Town Election will be held on Tuesday May 21, 2024, at the Public Safety Complex.    Polling hours will be 11:30 am 6:30 pm


You can vote by Absentee Ballot if:


  • You will be away from your city or town on Election Day
  • You have a religious belief that prevents you from voting at your polling location on Election Day
  • You have a disability that prevents you from voting at your polling location
  • You are on active military duty

Absentee Ballot Applications are available at the Town Hall during regular business hours or you can download the application from the State of Mass website

https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/languages/absentee-ballot-applications.htm   Once completed you can submitted your applications by mail, fax, email, drop it at the town hall during regular business hours or put in the front door mail slot (faces Rt. 57).  If emailing your application, it must have your signature, typed signatures are not acceptable.  A ballot will be mailed out to you.


Returning your completed ballot   Be sure to allow time for the ballot to be mailed to you for completion and for your return of the completed ballot.  You may also bring it to the town clerk, put it in the secure mail slot or bring it or have someone bring it to the polls before close of polls at 6:30 pm on the 21th.


Be sure to sign the front and complete any other required information on the front of the brown envelope your ballot goes into.  Without a signature your ballot will be rejected.