Council on Aging Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2019



Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Public Safety Complex


Attending: Jean Armitage, Ruth Buchanan, Jennifer Clark, Mira Munson, Ann Skibski, EPatrick Storey

Regrets: David Spidal

Guest: Jessica Kelmelis, Cultural Council Chair

Jessica clarified various aspects of applying to Cultural Council for events and specifically the showing of movies at a cost of $150 each.  Each film would require an individual request/application to CC.  She suggested we use SWANK to locate available films.  Rental date can be changed 10 days in advance of a cancelled event or postponement for a storm.

Mr. Storey arrives.

“Conflict of Interest Law” information from Town Clerk was distributed to members to complete the test on-line.

MCOA communications were shared by Chair Buchanan.

Minutes from March meeting read and accepted.

Treasurer report reviewed and accepted.

Outreach Worker report reviewed.  She shared how to access “Granville Tolland Community Forum” on Facebook.    Clerk and Outreach Worker comparing their individual ‘neighborhood’ definitions.

Upcoming Black Fly Dinner, 5/18 menu reviewed: ribs + baked beans from Knox Trail, coleslaw, corn muffins, Klondike bars.

Tuesday Birthday Lunch to continue rotating menus:  lasagna, pot pies,  sandwiches.

Thursday Yoga starts on May 20.

Regional COA meeting on 5/13.  Dave and Jean to attend.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Armitage

Approved May 14, 2019. A signed copy with attachments is on file in the Town Clerks Office