Board of Assessors Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Town of Tolland

Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes

                                                          June 28, 2022                          

Meeting Opened at 10:00 am

In Attendance:   Susan Moore

                         Susan Voudren

                           Jessica Kelmelis                     

The May Minutes of the Board of Assessors were read and approved.

Two motor vehicle abatements were reviewed and granted.

Jessica reiterated the proposal that all non-conforming contiguous properties be valued with an influence rather than each parcel being calculated as part of the whole. This would allow for a smoother process when land values change and less opportunity for clerical error. There were a few parcels and calculations in Jessica’s study that need to be confirmed. The board will vote on the influence next month.

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am

Respectfully submitted

Jessica Kelmelis