Board of Assessors Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Town of Tolland

Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes

                                                          May 24, 2022                          

Meeting Opened at 10:00 am

In Attendance:   Susan Moore

                           Jessica Kelmelis               

The April Minutes of the Board of Assessors were read and approved.

One motor vehicle abatement was reviewed and granted.

Jessica presented her findings of a ratio study of non-conforming contiguous properties. She compared current assigned sound values of secondary and tertiary lots to full market value of the same lots with no influences or restrictions. She found that the sound valued lots were a rounded average of 10 percent of the full market value. She proposed that all of the contiguous lots be given an influence of -90%. It was decided to look specifically at what values that influence would result in once applied. Jessica will have that for the June meeting at which time the board will vote on the procedure.

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:23 am

Respectfully submitted

Jessica Kelmelis