Board of Assessors Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Town of Tolland

Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes

                                                           June 23, 2020                                     

Meeting Opened at 10:00 am

In Attendance:

 Susan Moore - Via Teleconference

 Susan Voudren

                         Jessica Kelmelis                    

The May Minutes of the Board of Assessors were read and approved.

Four Motor Vehicle Abatements were reviewed, granted and processed.

The annual contract with CAI Technologies to manage the town’s assessor map updates was signed as well as a contract to begin the conversion to online/digital map access to the public.

A policy for interior inspection for the near future was agreed upon and is below:

COVID-19 Inspection Policy

The Tolland Board of Assessors will not be performing in-person property inspections for the foreseeable future. We will, however, be offering virtual inspections with available platforms which will be agreed upon by the property owner and the Office of the Assessors. The Assessor performing the virtual inspection reserves the right to determine if the inspection is complete and acceptable. If the Assessor deems the inspection to be substandard to the assessment process, the completion of the inspection will need to be postponed.

This inspection policy is subject to change as we progress through COVID-19 circumstances.

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:35

Respectfully submitted

Jessica Kelmelis