Gifts and Memorials

Gifts to the Tolland Public Library are welcomed!

Gifts Policy

Gifts in various forms are accepted by the Tolland Public Library.

Material donations, including books, videos and audio books, are subjected to the same selection standards as new material purchased by the library. Material donations are accepted with the understanding that they may or may not be added to the collection. Items may be used for fund raising, passed to another library, or discarded. Gifts in kind will be acknowledged though the valuation is the responsibility of the donor.

Gifts of monies will be accepted by the library. If the gift is accompanied by instructions to purchase a specific title, all efforts should be made to adhere to those instructions. If there are no specifics tied to the monies, the gift should be disbursed equally between adult books, Children/YA books, video and audio. An acknowledgement for tax purposes will be given for gifts of cash.

Adopted February 2, 2004
Board of Trustees
Tolland Public Library

Charitable Contributions

Cash gifts to the Library are tax deductible. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Tolland and sent to:

Tolland Public Library
22 Clubhouse Road
Tolland, MA 01034-9403

Gifts of Books and Media

Gifts of books, DVDs and Audio Books may be made. Due to the limited shelf space, the Librarian has full discretion over whether the books can be made available. If you are purchasing a new book or media to contribute, it would be wise to contact the Librarian, Jessica Kelmelis to determine what would be suitable.