
Massachusetts Cultural Council and Local Cultural Councils

In Massachusetts, public funding for the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences is provided through a central state agency, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and through a network of local cultural councils that serve every city and town in the state.

The mission of the Massachusetts cultural Council is to promote excellence, access, education and diversity in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences in order to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and to contribute to the economic vitality of our communities:

Funding: The Massachusetts Cultural Council  receives funding from the Massachusetts Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts, and it distributes funds through two channels:

Local Cultural Council: The Local Cultural Council Program was established in 1982 and was overseen by the Massachusetts Arts Lottery Council until 1990. It then merged with the Massachusetts Council on Arts and Humanities to form the Massachusetts Cultural Council.


  • Direct grants to individuals and organizations, available through statewide competitive grant processes; and
  • Distributions to local councils, which then regrant funds to individuals and organizations in their own communities through two types of grants:
  • Standard Local Cultural Council grants  fund a broad range of cultural activities;
  • PASS grants which fund cultural field trips for young people.