Two Updates From Tolland Broadband Committee Chair Kevin Donovan

Tolland Broadband Update

November 13, 2020

Since my July update, Comcast has begun the underground construction on Schoolhouse Road and has approximately one mile left to complete. Ledge and rock have slowed the process, and they continue to work to complete the three-mile project.  Eversource and Verizon have started work on estimates for the make-ready work on the utility poles. We do not have the granular data to measure and report their progress at this time; this information will be available quarterly when the estimates are completed and the work on the poles begins.

To reiterate from my last update, we remain in the make-ready phase of construction, the component of the network build with the longest timetable.  Comcast has completed the mapping of all utility poles in Tolland, completed, and submitted the applications for the pole licenses to the respective utilities, Eversource and Verizon. Eversource and Verizon has processed the applications and begun surveys to determine the position on the pole where Comcast will attach and a cost estimate for each pole. The poles' work will be completed based on the estimates and scope of work for each. Comcast is ordering equipment and entering addresses into their system, being ready to mobilize when the make-ready work is complete.

The estimated completion of the network is fifteen to twenty-one months away.

Peter Larkin and his staff at MBI meet bi-weekly with Comcast and the utilities discussing all towns under construction in Western Mass.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Donovan


Tolland Broadband Committee


Tolland Broadband Update -POLE SURVEY WORK

November 17, 2020

Pole survey work: Verizon has hired Pike Construction to survey the Utility poles in Tolland; there are 1130 poles being surveyed. Surveys began November 12, and the surveyors can complete about 150 poles per day.  Survey work is weather dependent and can be completed within 3-4 weeks. Work on Schoolhouse Road continues:  Witch Equipment workers say they are past the ledge they encountered in the last 3-4 weeks.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Donovan


Tolland Broadband Committee