Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 12, 2021


Selectmen Present:    Steven DellaGiustina, Patrick Barrett and Eric R. Munson, Jr

Also Present:    Ed Deming                    

Steve made a motion to award the town lawn bid to LaCasse Land Management, LLC     $12,175.00, Patrick seconded, approved unanimously

Eric has concerns with the FY22 Police Budget. With the Police Reform coming from legislation Tolland cannot afford to train all their current officers. Steve felt until the reform requirements are finalized that Tolland should just move forward with the budget that was presented with the exception of additional weekly patrol hours. Steve made a motion to not approve of the additional 16hours of patrol time that was requested, Eric seconded all unanimously. Steve made a motion of approve 4 hours weekly of patrol time for the Police Chief. The Chief will receive a rate of $25/hour for those hours, Patrick seconded all unanimously.

Steve made a motion to increase the salaries to compensate for the Town Clerks request the salary line items of the Assessor Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Accountant and Administrative Assistant, Patrick seconded approved all unanimously.

Ed requested an explanation for the decrease in the detail officer rate for Schoolhouse Road.  He expressed concerns that in the future he be included in decisions of the Police Department. Ed felt if Witch had the correct equipment the project wouldn’t have had so many issues. The Selectboard made the decision so the project would not be delayed. Eric made a motion that the detail rate would remain at $50/hour for the remainder of the project. The rate change for Schoolhouse Road ditching was due to unusually circumstances, seconded by Steve all unanimously.

Ed asked for authorization for Mary Bredenfoerder an Officer of the Town of Sandisfield to do some Field Training with Tolland officers. Currently, Sandisfield doesn’t have officers to train her. Ed said it would be at no cost to Tolland. Steve made a motion to authorize, seconded by Patrick all unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50PM

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret McClellan